That's Not Al Gore!

So we're in Singapore now for the UNEP Champions of the Earth 2007 Awards. Proud to say, my mom was chosen as the champion for the Asia-Pacific region. Woot, woot!
Anyway, I'd been looking forward to these awards also because Al Gore is a co-awardee, representing North America. I even brushed up on global warming just in case I got a chance to talk to him. Plus we bought a real copy of his docu (kakahiya naman kung Makati Cinema Square pirated dvd yung papa-sign namin di ba?!).
Imagine my surprise when, instead of Al Gore arriving in the Merlion City... the award is received by (drumroll) ...
DARYL HANNAH! As in the original mermaid princess of the silver screen! Apparently they are very good friends and she is an advocator for the environment as well.
So yeah... I didn't get to meet Al Gore, much less actually impress him with my witty repartee (hahaha). But hey, props to Daryl for making the trip in his place and delivering his speech with as much panache as Bono lobbying to Free Tibet. And again, major ups to my Mama for winning!
(Super editorial: For an aging mermaid, Miss Hannah still looks good.)
For more information on UNEP and the Champions of the Earth click this
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