Caliraya Quiet Time

That is the view from the upper deck of Cat's house in Caliraya. Last weekend, I saw it for the first time. After many failed attempts at joining her for her many famed Caliraya weekends, I finally made it up. And even though I spent less than 24 hours there (what Sly called "the condensed Caliraya experience") it was still filled with numerous simple pleasures.
The weather was balmy, the water warm. The food -- if I say so myself -- was delicious. Isa and I even managed to have a very brief but productive heart-to-heart talk.
It was the kind of weekend everybody would appreciate. Where the simplest of pleasures gives the greatest of joys.
What have been your recent simple pleasures? I find that it's a good exercise to end each day thinking of at least 5 things you are thankful for in the day. And if you can't seem to get started, Oprah (yes, Oprah!) once said "then first, begin with your breath."
P.S. TO CAT: Thank you gwapa, for inviting me up... I needed the quiet time. TO EVERYONE ELSE: Thanks muchly for the excellently chill company.
For Photos go to THIS LINK
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