Wednesday, April 27, 2005


April 23 - 27, 2005

I just got back from Siargao. Literally just got back. Five hours after exiting the airport arrivals door, I am now at the office trying valiantly to be a productive team member... it's not working too well. But when I attempt to begin my blog about the trip, I find that my thoughts outrun my hands... I still cant wrap my head around the last five days.
Soon. Soon. Maybe after I've had some sleep.
Until then... three photos that I think encapsulate the last five days:

Image hosted by Sunny Days

Image hosted by Balmy Nights

Image hosted by Excellent Company


Blogger ... beachfreak said...

Did you get to surf? Also, ask ko how much you guys spent...

I was in La Union last Feb for a surfing weekend and I'm hooked...getting my surfboard soon...yeah!

btw, got here through cat-ingka's site.

1:07 AM  

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