Sharing the Stoke
October 3, 2005
So. I am back from another ten amazing days in Siargao. My second trip this year and the seventh trip running. By now you've heard everything I have to say about why I love the island and what keeps me coming back. And right now I could very well ramble on and on about the way we marked time by the light in the sky... or lost track of days altogether. Right now, I could tell you all about surfing Stimpy's for the first time... or having my umpteenth mango shake at Ocean 101. Right now, you could be reading about the excellent new friends I made and the ties I renewed with old island buddies. Or how proud I am to see the level of local surfing just keep shooting up. Or how insanely sick it was to watch the afternoon free surfing. Or... you catch my drift. Right?
But I wont go into too much detail. Right now, I think it's time to share a photo instead:
So. I am back from another ten amazing days in Siargao. My second trip this year and the seventh trip running. By now you've heard everything I have to say about why I love the island and what keeps me coming back. And right now I could very well ramble on and on about the way we marked time by the light in the sky... or lost track of days altogether. Right now, I could tell you all about surfing Stimpy's for the first time... or having my umpteenth mango shake at Ocean 101. Right now, you could be reading about the excellent new friends I made and the ties I renewed with old island buddies. Or how proud I am to see the level of local surfing just keep shooting up. Or how insanely sick it was to watch the afternoon free surfing. Or... you catch my drift. Right?
But I wont go into too much detail. Right now, I think it's time to share a photo instead:

Ryan. Very early in the morning.
Photos from the trip have been divided into two galleries. Both can be found by clicking on THIS.
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