Thursday, October 05, 2006

Riding in Cars and On Waves with Boys

August 26/27, 2006

A twinbill weekend: Rockin' up to Baguio for Arvin's art exhibit & stop-overs in La Union for Jun's last LU session before he leaves. The weekend was all about a car full of boys (and me). A line-up of boys (and me). An album of photos of said boys (and me and Nats).

Jun, Lui, Philip and I arrived in La Union at nearly 4am. We had planned to sleep in the kubo since we were only going to be in LU for the day. No need to pay for a room. But when we got to the kubo, we noticed that it had no more floor -- apparently the recent storm had torn it down. Philip suggested we all chip in for a room in Hacienda but Jun and I quickly nixed that idea by deciding that the lifeguard tower would be a fitting Plan B. Moro even made a cameo appearance just as we were getting settled into our little plank of wood. Needless to say, the hard wooden floor, cramped area and cold morning wind did not make for the most comfy of quarters. But the giggling and kulitan more than made up for it.

Philip surfed Saturday. Jun, Lui and I drank. Hahaha. Actually, given that Philip was the only one who brought a longboard -- and the waves were super small, it only made sense that he paddled out while we beer-cheered him from Surf Camp. At some point, fish was wrapped in banana leaves and grilled for all to share and enjoy.

Jun and I did get into the water at some point, scrubbed our bodies and declared ourselves clean enough to go up to Baguio. We piled into the car in the middle of a sudden downpour, now plus two since Moro and Alfred were coming with to Baguio and dashed up hoping to catch the opening of Arvin's exhibit. What with the near zero visibility and getting lost, I was happy that we even found the gallery at all. (By the way, congrats Arvs!)

After eating the best veggie lumpia in the entire world (Bliss Cafe people, you gotta go), we had a few drinks and then rocked down to our friend Chris' place to spend the night. We passed things to the left-hand side, had a few more beers, listened to some tunes being mixed on the decks and then soundly passed out. Hey, we'd had a loooong day.

Sunday morning we drove down to LU hoping that there would be surfable waves. As a bonus personal feature it was Alex Grasshopper's first time in La Union and we scored an awesome ride afternoon of Sunday... a left that kept going and going. Alfred and I were sitting on the inside and according to Philip, he didn't think I'd gotten the wave. And then he saw my head pop up over the lip of the wave. I love that he witnessed that wave cos I got to share yeah, yeah vibes with him when I paddled back to the line-up. In fact, Philip had to take the place of all the Yeah, Yeah Sisters and yeah yeah enough for all of them. Hee.

By sunset we were packing up, saying our goodbyes and heading to Midway for Jun's last Midway dinner. We were home before midnight, tired as f*ck but really happy that we'd crammed so much into two days.

Super thanks to Jun, Lui and Philip for driving, to Chris for hosting us up in Baguio, and to Starvin' Arvin for being such a Tigger. :)

For photos click on this please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ey ike here. tnx for your comments sa pics ng surfing baby ko. btw, ive got an idea, hope you guys in MSA finds interesting. while we love visiting surf beaches to enjoy, explore, etc. i just thought we might also do some socially relevant things to benefit the people in those places that we visit. things like donating old PCs (perhaps to local schools) so local (surfing) boys can learn computer, or sponsoring at 1 or few youg surfers to in his local school by giving notebooks, pencils, bags, etc. these aren't expensive specially when all surfers contribute (kahit Php 20 lang per visit sa surf areas. i heard from a friend that some boys in siargao are losing interest in school and only wanted to surf nalang, this is quite sad. my idea is to have a simple project or program that we can leave as legacy to locals that we're not just interested in their great surf beaches but we're interested in them too. wat ya think? rgds/

12:54 PM  

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